Laura Koch Fine Art

watercolour artist

recent work

Howe Sound Moonscape

Howe Sound is an entirely different environment at night. It’s far from pitch black: it’s alive with colour, shapes, stars, planets and reflections. Everything transcends the day.

sunrise at snug
driftwood on the cape

Driftwood on the Cape

View from Cape Roger Curtis, Bowen Island, looking toward the Sunshine Coast. This piece represents Howe Sound during the late summer. Winds are low, the heron soars: blues and oranges are vibrant while the sunset promises a beautiful day tomorrow.


Killarney Lake Water Lilies

Killarney Lake Water Lilies

This image reminds me of Monet’s Water Lily paintings. He thought the lilies represent the bridge between the water and the sky. Very calming.
Cape Roger Curtis

Cape Roger Curtis

Cape Roger Curtis has so many moods; sometimes calm, sometimes furious. I go there almost every day, just like visiting an old, but temperamental friend.

Spinnaker Illusions

Images of several Spinnaker sailboats, from imagination.
Cape Roger Curtis with Seagull

Cape Roger Curtis with Seagull

Seagulls have the ability to sense storms and danger, and swiftly remove themselves from harm’s way. This is symbolic of Cape Roger Curtis’ dilemma as our community grapples with its future.
Howe Sound Moonscape

The Four Seasons

Seasons are marked by the Earth’s position in relation to the Sun. The changing of the seasons can mean the beginning of new life and that eventually hope and joy will come.
Heron in Howe Sound

Heron in Howe Sound

Cape Roger Curtis

Snug Cove Sunrise

This sunrise bursts like a volcanic eruption from the mountains while the stillness of water calms the motion of the boats; it is a quiet morning.

About Laura

Laura Koch at Beacon hill park
Born in Vancouver, B.C., Laura has her roots on Bowen Island, the West Coast & British Columbia. She has a master’s degree in environmental science. Her artistic education includes photography (portraiture, landscape, black & white), fashion design, modern dance, watercolour painting, & silkscreen printing.

She was engaged as a primary project manager for the remediation of mercury in the Squamish River/Howe Sound estuary. She specializes in Contaminated Sites Investigation & Remediation in B.C.

Laura’s artwork supports the Howe Sound Biosphere Initiative Society. Howe Sound is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Contact Laura

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